Weyhey! The brilliant thing about restarting my blog is that nobody gives a gold plated good golly gosh about blogs anymore and I can write whatever I goddamn want and there’s a strong chance that the best part of nobody will ever lay an eyeball upon it. It’s very freeing, very bracing to the ego to yawp into the ethereal electronic void.
So, as it is, I’ve been thinking about antidepressants, as you do in this burgeoning capitalistic hellscape known as the USA. Not that I’m clamoring for a ‘scrip, not for any of a number of reasons, not least of which being a national Secretary of Health and Human Services who has publicly fantasized about rounding up people who use antidepressants, ADHD medications, weight loss medications, and anxiety medications and putting them into Wellness Camps to nature that shit out. Because workhouses, insane asylums, and debtors prisons, panned out marvelously well for the inmates of yore, didn’t they?
But mostly, because there’s not a pill on this planet that’ll do for what’s the matter with me.
What’s the matter with me is systemic. Not my system. Not my body and all its demesnes and appurtenances. The ol’ guts and humours are ticking along quite nicely, thank you so much. My iron levels are appropriate. Get plenty of Vitamin D. My dentist tells me my gums are in admirable condition. Shit, against all odds, I don’t even have bifocals yet. All that is all right. What’s my problem is that the world we live in is fucking uncongenial and that wears on a lady after a while. Wears her right on down to a nub. Gets on her goddamn nerves. Burns her out.
And lo, it is burnt out that I am. A cinder floating on the breeze. A smoking crater. I’ve been burning the candle at every burnable juncture for years and I am running out of fuel.
Things went to hell for me not long after Joel died. Shit has never been easy, but the demands of being a new mom (Joseph was only 18 months old), being pregnant, and taking care of a family member with dementia were all consuming. I was not a bundle of fun, being recently and traumatically bereaved, sleep deprived, hormonal, and at the beck and call of a dying woman. My friends slipped away silently, almost unnoticed as I slogged my way through the pressures of caring for a toddler, caring for a dementia patient, caring for a new baby, not caring for myself. I understand! I do. People felt awkward. They didn’t want to intrude on my grief, impose upon my time, interrupt a child’s naptime. They didn’t know what to say. They thought I had it handled. And I accept that I wasn’t able to make a lot of social calls, wasn’t able to meet up spontaneously, missed a lot of events. When the kids got to a certain age, I simply couldn’t just bring them along. Nobody would have been happy with that result.
And so with each passing year, I became more isolated. Who would I call upon to watch my kids so that I could reconnect with friends? Could I reconnect with friends? Hell if I know. I no longer know what people’s schedules look like, what their lives look like. “Reach out,” people say. I’ll tell you I have, and when I do, “we’re out of town” “X has tryouts” “I’m at a race that weekend,” etc. Because I have lost touch. Because life got in the way.
Most of what’s wrong with me is that I never have a chance to recharge. I never have a chance to decompress. I am always working or momming. I have a half day each week when I am not working or momming, and with these snowdays, I rarely seem to have that. Or when I do, I am stuck in appointments, running errands, doing all the shit I can’t do when I’m working or momming. Most certainly I am not relaxing. I am not doing things that refill my cup. I’m just doing the shit I have to do because I have to do it, because I have no support, no help, and no relief in sight.
Yeah, I feel “depressed.” I feel low. I feel sad. I feel exhausted. Frustrated. Anxious. I feel like fried shit. And there’s nothing I can take that could help with any of that. I feel like this because I am run ragged.
In the past, I thought I had depression. I tried antidepressants. Prozac. Wellbutrin. Lexapro. Some other bullshit. Wasn’t nary a one of them did a single solitary goddamn thing except render masturbation null and void which is really just adding insult to injury. I tried. I tapered on, dosed up, tapered off. All I ever got out of an antidepressant was fatigue. Or weight gain. Or nausea. Or dizziness. Or memory lapses. Or heartburn. Or maybe some exciting combination of any or all of the above. Again, it’s adding insult to injury; already I’m feeling beat down and exhausted, so I take a neat little pill that gives me fatigue. SWELL! I feel frantic and distressed and distracted, so this tablet which causes a vague mental fuzziness is exactly and precisely what I need, obviously! And what ho; that body dysmorphia would naturally be helped by the sudden and unscheduled appearance of an extra 15 to 20 unsought and unbidden pounds, wouldn’t it? All that, and still feeling like my soul was kicked down the stairs and then pissed on. Sign me the fuck up!
After years of trying to be a modern woman and treat my low moods chemically, I realized by dint of therapy that I felt like shit because my life kind of is shit. It really is. I have a lot of responsibilities, and precious few breaks. The best I can do for myself is accept that I have drawn a lousy hand and that I’m not a very skilled player. That I have made some not-so-great decisions out of the choices that were available to me, and what it is is what it is. Most of the time I can float with the tides of my fortunes. I can say, “okay yeah this sucks, but I can do sucky things; I’ve been doing them for years, and nothing has stopped me thus far.” Most of the time I can roll with that. I think they call that shit “radical acceptance.” And despite the frustrations, the exhaustion, the bleak outlook, I can find joy in some moments, some days. I can find peace sometimes. I can get my head down and keep powering through, because frankly that’s the only option I have. Throwing my hands up and falling to pieces is a luxury unavailable to me.