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Critical Mass write-up

I think wearing bloomers helps foster a good time. At least, I had on both times I went out wearing this outlandish heap of fabric, though honestly, I am sure the events themselves brought the fun, I just brought the Really Huge Sleeves.

Friday night was, of course, Critical Mass, and our CMs here in KCMO are a good time. We’re fairly orderly, yet very visible, plus, we bring along music, and it tends to amuse onlookers. As usual, I met up with Sarah at Acme. A fellow named Jack was manning Christie’s touring bike and music trailer, since she was on her last day of vacation in San Francisco, riding in the SF Halloween CM. It sounds like it was one HELL of an event. She’s going to have a Vacation Snaps Party at the next ACME ladies’ night.

Sarah, Jack, and I headed down to Westport and camped out at the west end of the parking lot, as is customary, to wait for other riders to show up. Show up, they did, and after a bit of dithering, smartassing around, and purveying of snacks, we rode out to cruise up Westport Rd., then descend into the bowels of the Plaza and make spectacles of ourselves. The Plaza is the best place in KCMO to make a spectacle of yourself, because it is a upscale shopping district with lots of restaurants and coffee shops and “pubs” which attract crowds beyond the shoppers. Friday night on the Plaza is pretty bustling, and we had plenty of opportunities to be outgoing in the general direction of pedestrians and other passers-by, and I think we managed to spread quite a bit of bike-friendly joy. I turn into a damn cheerleader when I’m on a bike and amongst people. Seriously, I could about rent myself out to Critical Mass groups as a Bicycle Goodwill Ambassador. I get all vivacious and abuse my dimpling privileges. It’s disgusting, that’s what. After the ride, a group of us sat around in the parking lot for a while and munched snacks that Jeff had leftover and shot the bull for a while. Then, Sarah, Jack, and I trucked it all back downtown and called it a night.

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