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Let’s just say that bangs + all-one-length hair = REALLY DAMN BAD IDEA, FOR REAL!

Basically, I made myself look like a jackass before we went to a nice get-together with our friends. I looked and felt like a dweeb and spent most of the evening trying to brainstorm on how to salvage my hair and self respect.

Finally, I have the cute, spanky little short haircut I’d long wanted. I no longer look like a jackass…or if I still look like a jackass, at least I no longer look like a miserable jackass. Tomorrow, I’m going to re-do my henna, even up any uneven spots, and call my new ‘do a success.

I actually like it, quite a lot. This is some damn easy hair. Totally wash-and-go. I can goober it up with a little gel to make it spiky, to un-dent it from my bike helmet, but if I just don’t feel like doing anything, I don’t have to. I don’t even really have to comb it. Schweeeeet!

Edited to add: all of the haircuts you see above are self-administered. Absolutely no professionals were involved. For as much as I paid, you, too can look just as goofy. While I am perfectly happy with my home-made haircut, I don’t really much advocate trying this at home, unless you, like me, are pretty nonchalant about how you end up looking.

2 Responses to “I destroyed my hair Friday morning”

  1. […] barely looked back. Oh sure, I got it down to brastrap length a couple of years ago, but a little injudicious bangs-cutting ended that losing streak. My hair is currently a blunt-cut, boring, chin-length bob which I need to […]

  2. […] hipster-dorky fashion. I HATED the bangs, and 24 hours later, I decided that the only way to salvage my dignity was to cut it all off and start all […]

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