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Whenever I’m meeting soembody who has never laid eyes on me before I usually wear something orange. When I met up with in York, I told her to look out for the girl in the orange sundress, and by golly, an orange sundress I wore. I basically looked like a roadcone with a ponytail, but sure enough, she spotted me, and we commenced to drinking coffee and having a lively chatter.

Well, today at work, my department is hosting a speaker, and I’ve been the one setting stuff up for her presentation. Booking the department laptop and projector, arranging catering, receiving presentation materials, and all of that jazz. And in the course of all this “facilitating,” this speaker and I have had several e-mail and phone conversations, and the last one was her figuring out how to get to our office from her hotel. It’s a pretty short hop…about 5 blocks, so she’ll have no problem getting there. However, once she gets to the building, it’s kind of a zoo, so I told her I’d meet her out front. Way to recognise me? “o, I’ll be wearing orange pants.” Because how many women do you expect to be milling around in front of City Hall wearing orange pants? None, on a good day.

It’s pretty nice outside at the moment. Not too hot just yet. I think I’ll make it downtown in my orange corduroys all right, but I’m taking a pair of shorts for after work. Actually, I’m taking a lighter shirt for after work, too, because I’ve concluded that I don’t have enough hot-rod bike riding happening in my life, and I’m going to seek out the Blue Moose riding group, out in (I think) Prairie Village Kansas. I used to see them bombing around when I’d tag along on the Brookside Ride, and thought it looked like they were having a hell of a fine time. My old hotrodding buddy stopped leading rides–work and girlfriend commitments cut into his biking time, I think, and the other group I ride with is more about the adventuring, and not the hammering, and while I LOVE adventuring with an abiding fondness, I also like to get out and stretch my legs and ride until I want to puke.

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