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Get A Job

Heh…yeah that’s on my mind plenty, but that’s not strictly what’s on my mind today. Today, fine friendly folks, I’m in a musical mood and here’s why:

I hadn’t ever realized until today that the title of this song is “Get A Job.”

As I’m sure I’ve mentioned, I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately, on account of having a lot of time on my hands on account of being unemployed and all. Anyway, I didn’t just and only get crap books from the library last time I was there. I picked up Dorothy Allison’s Bastard Out Of Carolina as well as a book of short stories & essays titled “Trash.” In “Bastard,” there’s a scene where one of Bone’s older cousins is back home to help care for her ailing mother, and is sitting on the porch listening to the “black” radio station for the rollicking music she’s come to love, and the song that is playing in the scene is the Silhouettes’ “Get A Job.”

I decided today to figure out how that song sounded, and so the ever-convenient YouTube came to the rescue. I also listened to a couple of their other songs, and got into a real mood to hear that 1950s music that was so scandalous in its day, and seems almost quaint today.

Seems like this song might have either been in response to or triggering the “Get A Job” dictum!

Well, here’s “Miss Thing,” about a flirty girl who caught a fellow’s attention and tempted him to run out on his steady girlfriend.

The Dell-Vikings, with “Come, Go With Me!” Pure charm.

“Life Is But A Dream” Another song that’s just as charming as you could please. This is The Earls cover version, which I like better than the Harptones’ original. I like the uptempo version more.

The ungrammatical El Pollos with “Highschool Dance” will almost certainly get you to dancing if you have the slightest tendency to rhythm in you.

I wish I could find Buddy & Claudia’s “Hug You, Kiss You, Squeeze You” ’cause that’s a really fun, kind of saucy song from the same era. Here’s a cover of it played by Voodoo Blue, but it’s just not the same…not even really that similar ‘cept for the lyrics.

Anyway, that’s on my mind this morning…old music. And now I’m going out to run a few errands and try to learn some stuff. Maybe I’ll have something of a little more substance to write up sometime later.

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