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“I wish the diapers came with poop already on them..”

Said no parent, EVER.

doody diaper

So, of course, I had to make one! Apologies for the doody sloping downhill – I should have pinned it rather than free-hand stitched it in place. Then again, how anal do you really want to get about something that’s only going to be crapped on?

This is the culmination of a project I set for myself, which was to learn how to make decent re-usable diapers. I think this design is going to be pretty nice. You can close it with just one safety pin, or two, if the baby gets wider and needs more room. They’re adjustable, is what I’m saying.

It is interlined with waterproof ripstop nylon to minimize seepage, and being as I was using my thinking brain, I applied the applique to the outside layer of fabric only, so the little turd on the rear won’t be the failure point.

I’ve got a friend with a 6-month-old daughter lined up to give these a try-out, so we shall see if they actually stand up to real world conditions.


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