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Busy Weekend

This past weekend was quite the social whirlwind.

To start with on Friday night, the Frank Stallone boys had all sorts of shindigs going on. They did another roller race at the Cellar Rat, then rolled over to ACME to run a charity alleycat to raise money for Diabetes research! We didn’t get in on the racing so much…well Joel & Tim went head-to-head on the rollers, but otherwise, we just hung out and heckled everyone else who was hanging out. Well, Joel hung out and maybe took his pants off and I mostly flung myself around like a hyperactive Russian kick-dancer. I keep expecting some pictures from Joel & MattyD’s amazing wrestling match to pop up on Flickr or Facebook pretty soon.

Then on Saturday, my good friend Julie was celebrating a birthday, so we went over and helped her kick off another great year. Joel and Tracey had conspired to arrange a fabulous surprise for Julie in the shape of a shiny new Redline Monocog 29er. Can’t wait for it to stop raining every couple of days, so we can all go hit the trails together!

That “new bike” glow!

I had a lot of fun making the hat I gave to Julie. I designed it to look good with her cycling helmet, which is silver and purple. A lot of Julie’s cycling gear seems to be purple, and I’d been hanging on to these two strips of light and bright purple seam binding lace for ages, thinking I would eventually come up with something fun to do with them. I took these pictures when I finished the hat, but had to hold off uploading them to Flickr, ’cause I know Julie reads my site, and I didn’t want her to get suspicious!

IMG_8685 Custom AYLI hat
Custom AYLI hat IMG_8687
Custom AYLI hat

On Sunday, we both had a pretty productive day. I finally got my etsy shop up and running. I also made some changes and updates to my As You Like It Designs site. I also made a new blouse, which I’ll photograph and post tomorrow, applied for a bunch more jobs on careerbuilder, and gave the dog a bath after she and Bagheera Bungle-Butt spent the afternoon wallowing in the mud.

Joel was rockin’ the house, too. Specifically, he hung a bunch of shelving. He made a new shelf for the stereo to fit on under the TV, but the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious improvement of the day was the new shelf in the kitchen cupboards which helps keep the spices, teas, and other small items accessible and tidy:

Joel added another shelf to the cupboards
Is that freakin’ awesome, or what?

He has a way with shelving, though. He did some great shelves in the kitchen that I need to photograph one of these days, and he’s working out a new arrangement for the bedroom closet. Considering how well my workroom closet turned out, I’m pretty stoked.

Considering that things are pretty tight in there right now, and considering his talents with shelving solutions, I’m anticipating pretty fab results.

Today, I spent most of the day putting more pockets on Joel’s shorts, per request. I’ve made several pair of pants that were slightly highwater into schpants and used the cut-off leg fabric to make additional cargo pockets. Today, though, I was working with shorts that were already shorts, so I made the extra pockets out of contrasting fabric.
They’re not beautiful, hip, chic, or glam, but they’re comfortable and durable. He wants them for work, so he can put tools, extra pens, notepads, his phone, etc. in one side or the other. I think the pen-loops are actually for his tri-allen, but I added extra loops because I was bored and because I could. I did up three pair of shorts like this today, and I have just two more pair of pants to remodel tomorrow and I’ll be done re-working Joel’s pants situation.

Anyway, that’s my life these past few days. Mostly making stuff, when I wasn’t partying! Not so bad, eh?

One Response to “Busy Weekend”

  1. Julie Stark says:

    I love my hat and I’m honored to get a Michelle Davis design original. I’ve been riding my *new* bike to work – yee haw! I’m so glad you guys made it over on Saturday night : )

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