Feed on

I went on a dual-purpose ride today.

First objective was to give the dog a run:

Second objective was to scavenge up as many ripe mulberries as I could:

Wild Mulberries!

I made an scouting trip yesterday with the dog, and just snacked on mulberries as I find them, but made plans to come back again…with tupperware!
Wild Mulberries!
I got one of these big semi-disposable plastic tubs about halfway full. And I found some more bushes, which are conveniently on my way home from work. I will be stopping nightly to scavenge berries for the duration of the mulberry season.

I pureed the lot and portioned them into smaller containers to freeze. I will used them mixed with other berries in smoothies. Mulberries don’t have a very strong flavor, but are quite sweet and have a pleasant, almost creamy texture. The seeds are tiny and you hardly notice them. I think they will be a good mix with strawberries or blueberries.

Speaking of strawberries; the strawberry bed I started last year has begun to produce. It seems like it will be just about the right amount. We had the first berries of the season with breakfast. They were small and kind of lumpy, but the taste was just fiiiine. I do not have any pictures of the berries, but here’s one of some green berries and one of the flowers:

More green berries – I think I took this picture last weekend or maybe the week before. I’ll have to take some pictures of the ripe berries after the next round of them are ready to pick.

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