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Various good things

1. I’ve got four zinnias and a marigold blooming now, so the inundation of psychedellic floral color riots is drawing nigh. I can’t wait for my lot-wide hedge of orange, yellow, pink, and purple flowers to take off and start rioting.

2. The morning rain broke around 11:00 and at around 12:00 I decided the streets were dry enough for me to take the new bike out, so I did the Cliff Drive run, and it was every bit as much fun as I thought it would be. Hills really don’t scare me now. Those taller, skinnier wheels roll so much more easily and having less weight to schlep around makes a pretty big difference.

3. Don’t have to go to work tomorrow. Yay! I don’t think we’re doing anything in particular, so I may do like I did last year and take fireworks photos from the backyard, unless we get down to the River Market, in which case I will take fireworks photos from wherever we’re sitting and watching. I know my camera so much better now, and I think I can get some really good ones in.

4. I’ve got some actual inquiries into real sewing stuff, not just alterations, including a possible commission to make some stuff to sell out of a local shop. The shop owner likes my trademark sewing styles, and asked me if I’d be interested in doing a line of pants for this fall.

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