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A few years ago, I bought some little enamel hair clippies at the local $0.99 Store because I was looking for baubles to hold my ill-chosen bobbed hairdo away from my eyes. In this particular mini-spree, I bought four little daisies, two green, two orange, these being two of my favorite colors out there.

Here are the green ones in their original configuration.

Unfortunately, I'm a heedless dumbass, and the orange pair, which I wore the most, got destroyed. One afternoon, I got off work, took off my barettes and stuck them in my pocket and crammed on my bike helmet. I got home, took off my helmet, threw my shorts in the wash. amd went on about my business. When I did laundry later, I found the sad results of my negligence in a pair of busted orange daisy barettes. The clasp parts had broken off the backs of the barettes and no amount of super-glue would re-attatch them firmly. The daisy part still looked nice, however, so I hung on to them, thinking I would someday figure out how to jury-rig them back into functionality.

Well, a while back, I bought a pack of assorted-size spring-clasp barrettes, and realized that I could take two of the smallest size, cover them with glass beads, and wire the daisies on to that foundation. So I did. And then I decided that they needed some leaves, so i took some green seed beads and some little plastic heart-shaped beads and fashioned leafy sprigs.

And this is what I ended up with:

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