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Just a couple of videos I took of my mom's dog being chipper and playful when my parents were visiting. Mom's dog Tasha just cracks me up…she's such a funny-looking little mutt, with am endearingly upbeat temperment. She's mostly pretty mellow, lazy even, but she'll perk up for a few intense play sessions per day, then sleep the rest of the time. Perhaps she might have some cat DNA in her somewhere.

Tasha's Tricks Sorry I recorded this one sideways. I thought I could rotate it after filming, but could not figure out a way to do so afterwards.

Tasha's Blanket A lazy dog loves her blanket. Tasha's had this piece of faux lambswool since she was a puppy, and will retrieve it on command. She also seems to love to play with it, especially a kind of nip-of-war, or she'll run around with it draped over herself. It really makes her look like an ewok when this thing is on her head.

Now, I'm going to go air up the tires on my road bike and go riding. Later, taters.

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