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You like to ride, you like to eat, and you like to socialize, right? Well, here’s a great opportunity to do all this and more.

Pedal-Powered Potluck Picnic: The sequel!

Where: Roanoke Park (meet @ Acme Bicycle Company,
412 E. 18th St., ride out to picnic site)

When: Sunday, July 20, 2006. Meet at 3:30, ride out around 4:00, start cooking fires, eat around 5:30-ish

Why: Food, Bikes, Friends, and Games—how many reasons do you need?

How: Each rider needs to bring a picnic food item.

Feel free to contact me at michelle.davis.1977 @ gmail.com to co-ordinate so that we don’t end up with 5 gallons of potato salad and nothing else. BYOB, BYOM (bring yer own meat). I’ll provide charcoal, ice, and probably a banana pudding. Think about bringing tarps or blankets to sit on.

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