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Category Archive for 'beer and/or homebrewing'

How will I know?

I’ve just bottled up exactly and precisely 50 standard 12-oz brown glass beer-bottles of what I can only hope is mead. I’ve never made mead before, and I’ve only had it once, but on the strength of what I remember my old boss Jeanne’s mead having tasted like I decided to make some of my […]

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Yep, it’s gonna be one of those days and one of these entries. 1. They’ve been playing some butt-ass-awful music at work lately. Like worse than usual, and usual appears to be Adult-Contemporary Hits of the 1980s and ’90s. The recent streak of aural atrocities however, really has me scratching my head. Are they trying […]

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After Joel’s gonzo recap of Saturday’s pub crawl, there ain’t much I can say so instead I am going to let my pictures do most of the talkin’ What? You don’t park your bike this way? Wrong Right! Jill & Wade show us how it’s done. I think it’s a nice touch that Jill’s beer […]

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One last beer post

I started the long-promised Imperial Stout last week.  After that I need to do some serious brewing to build up the stocks for the summer social season.  What I’m planning for includes: 1.  IPA – the IPAs I’ve brewed in the past have gone over BIG with all comers.  So far, I think the best […]

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Burble, burble

Well, the darn beer has finally started doing something.  The yeast was hella slow to take off this time around.  I think it’s been a little cooler in the cupboard than is ideal, plus the yeast could have used to have been out of the fridge for longer before I pitched it.  I should probably […]

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Wort to your mama

I started brewing my next batch of beer today, because I really don’t have much of anything better to do.  It’s snowing steadily outside, I’ve burned myself out on organizing shit in my basement, and most of my upcoming sewing projects are just too complicated to get into now.  I needed a project that would […]

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When I was a kid, I was fascinated with Fin de siecle Victorian history. The wondrous fashions, the absolutist conviction that progress was good and splendid, the florid literary styles–the whole darn thing fascinated me. I was a big fan of the Little House books, because they covered the life of a young pioneer girl […]

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I am typihng this wuitout correcting ,my errors because I drank a glass of beer and am impaired. I am all buzzy and gpoofy and my lips are numb. I windser of ot os a ppd idea top make dinner in this condition. I’ll let y’a;l; know if I cut off nay fingers, okay?

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My voice is still a little wonky, but only people who actually hear me talk on a regular basis would know anything is wrong with it. I have my sense of smell and taste mostly back. I think I may have my sense of taste back enough to have a beer this evening, which pleases […]

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