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Category Archive for 'Car Drama and trauma'

If I parked the car any nearer to the garage, it would have to be parked inside the garage. I actually back in with the window rolled down and my head out to make sure of my distance. The big deal and my self-imposed parking challenge is that I have to do this all in […]

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So, in 1993, I was a the wee slip of a girl you see above, clambering joyously aboard a car-hauler to inspect her Very Own Car. Most teenagers dream of their first set of wheels, and have quite specific ideas about what their dream car is. Most never do get their hands on their dream […]

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A reader caught a typo for me in my Kia Magentis post from the other day – I’d mis-named the Chrysler 300, a leaden and funereal 4-door sedan as a Chrysler 500 (because I have stubby-little-kid-hands and have to take my fingers off home-row to hit the number keys) and he thought I was making […]

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the famous DX, a photo by Meetzorp on Flickr. The 1.5 litre 1988 Honda Civic DX has enough pickup through the lower range of gears that I can get annoyed at other drivers for being slow on the takeoff. In fact, it is just sprightly enough that I can combine impatience and enjoyment in almost […]

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As is well documented, one of my pet amusements is riding around town aimlessly with a camera in my bag, in case I see something cool to take a picture of. Last Saturday, I did. This here is a 1959 Chevrolet Corvette. I’d never seen one in person, so there were a lot of neat […]

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Oh but he was! The trauma of his annual trip to the veterinarian for his vaccination boosters brought out Griswald’s inner Mr. Humphries (or Niles Crane, depending on your decade and side of the pond). His histrionics are impressive, if you don’t have to share the cab of a pickup with his yowling, howling, frenzied […]

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Apparently driving a stickshift one day re-trains me immediately. It’s pretty well established that I don’t drive much. It stresses me out, I get lost, etc. But when we were up visiting my folks, I drove Dad’s Jetta – we needed to go in to town and pick some stuff up, and Dad wasn’t up […]

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My love of covers is well documented. I really love how different bands can put their individual stamp on a song, and so here are a couple of wildly different takes on the same song. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sS5jSbV0Vg] First we have Bob Wills & the Texas Playboys, doing a “western swing” version of a super-cool song about […]

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On the way home from the grocery store, a thought clicked into my brain. My brain stiffened up a moment, then gave itself a stern talking-to. It said: “You know what? You know what? Fuck it! You spent twice the price of that bike and then some to keep a car you fucking hated on […]

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About which I bitched so vehemently last week. We took it to Vee Village today, and after 20 minutes of removing splash-shields and inspecting the radiator and its environs thoroughly, they called me at the office to tell me that there’s not a goddamn thing wrong with the radiator, its mounting brackets, the heater core, […]

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