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Category Archive for 'Cats'

ACME Idiot Trap

Based on recommendations from a friend, I have procured an ACME Idiot Trap for ensnaring the dimwitted fur-merchants that infest my house. As you can see, this trap is simple and effective and quite reasonably priced to boot. 100% satisfied, and pleased to provide further testimony as required.

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I guess I’m going to try to find us a Christmas tree tomorrow. They’re usually pretty much going begging in the thrift shops. I wasn’t going to bother this year; I have never done holiday decorations in my whole adult life and I figured Joseph is too little to really know any difference, but I […]

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Heat-Seeking Varmint

When I woke up this morning, it was kind of cold in the front rooms of the house. That is because this rotten beast was plugging up the main heat vent between the kitchen and dining room. While it’s annoying as hell, I do kind of sympathise with the little brute. When I was a […]

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Hadn’t realized what was printed on the bag until after I’d finished cleaning the cat-boxes…

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Why I’m always tired:

4:45 a.m.: scritch scritch Awake to Griswald scratching at the box-springs. bat ineffectually at horrible cat 4:55 a.m.: scritch scritch Awake to Griswald scratching at the box-springs. bat ineffectually at horrible cat 5:00 a.m.: scritch scritch Awake to Griswald scratching at the box-springs. Grudgingly leave comfort of warm bed to chase fucking cat out of […]

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Ruby continues to hold steady at just under 50lb, therefore she continues to qualify for the cheaper heartworm preventative.  Rejoicing commences. Griswald behaves himself in the car – minor bitching only, no yowls of evisceration.  Moreover, he completely fails to piss himself.  Earns reward of catnip upon return home. Minnie, on the other hand, manages […]

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The picture of comfort

Minnie is really into taking naps. It’s pretty much her favorite thing. At 11, she is finally mellowing out. After several years of being intentionally kind to her, whether or not she wanted him to, Joel has broken through her nasty attitude, and discovered the sweet, cuddly cat within. In the past couple of years, […]

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Beastlie Update

I don’t remember now if I had mentioned it, but at the end of last summer, Griswald developed an “overgrooming” habit which left all four of his legs and his stomach all patchy, as he’d literally licked all of the fur off. I took him to the vet, and after $250 worth of science, we […]

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Oh but he was! The trauma of his annual trip to the veterinarian for his vaccination boosters brought out Griswald’s inner Mr. Humphries (or Niles Crane, depending on your decade and side of the pond). His histrionics are impressive, if you don’t have to share the cab of a pickup with his yowling, howling, frenzied […]

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Joel built me a shelf across the windows in my sewing room so that the “Swiss Cheese Plant) (pictured at right) and the Madagascar Dragon Trees (at left) have a safe and secure home in my sewing room. Now, they’re above the level where I might accidentally crash into them and bruise their leaves and […]

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