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Category Archive for 'Dumpster Diving'

I’ve been on a winning streak with the dumpster diving just lately. Found this embroidered jeans jacket in the West Bottoms on Monday. This is legitimately a thing I’d buy and wear on purpose, so finding it in the trash is just a bonus. Free obnoxious clothing is serendipitous and appreciated. Then, yesterday, I found […]

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With a little scrounging, a little thrift-shopping, and a little swearing, I got the tree all festive today. Didn’t get to shoot anything at it via compressed air, however. Maybe next year. I started ratting around in my craft-crap bins and realized that I had a crapton of tinsel garland that I’d pulled out of […]

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Landfill destiny

I come from a family of scavengers and trashpickers. So does Joel. In fact, in our early relationship, we bonded over an outing on Large Trash Day down in the ritzy Brookside district, when I scored my prized enamel-and-chrome step-stool (1950s vintage) and Joel found a banjo! When my sister and I were kids, we […]

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Romantic Back Stories

The other day, on the way home from work, I discovered a new illegal dump-site. As is my wont, I pulled over to see if there was anything good there. As it turns out, yes, there was. Here, you see Janet and John. As best I can estimate, these two hail from the 1950s and […]

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Some years ago, Christi and the Saturday Crew and I had been digging around in dumpsters, as you do, and I found this hat: It was completely ridiculous. I thought I might use it in a costume context or wear it ironically or something, but I never did. I’m a bit too old for ironic […]

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Here is the other horrible dress I rescued out of a trash heap. It is in such great condition and it is such an excellent example of the fashion of a very specific point in time (very early 1980s) that I had to keep it. It may be ass ugly. It may be a color […]

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This dress. I own it. I have worn it in public. I found it in an enormous trash heap under a bridge in the West Bottoms. I think that pretty much says it all. Oh, not quite. Actually, I have another, worse dress, but in order to spin out this Holidailies thing, you have to […]

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I’ve been just rotten with the follow-through on this blog. Seriously. Couple of days ago I promised to rant about meditation, and there was something else I planned to write about and forgot to. Anyway, since I’ve got a lot of writing ahead of me, and my ideas have been a little thin on the […]

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Some vehicles were built for beauty: the Jade Idol, for example. Others were built for speed. The legendary and record-setting Bluebird was a byword for speed. Yet others, like the Pierson Brothers’ iconic ’34 Ford dry-lakes racer, managed to marry both beauty and speed. Then again, there are some that manage to bring you neither: […]

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I expect that most of the people who saw me, and especially the four teenaged skateboarders over by Penn Valley Park, were thinking, “what the hell is that crazy lady doing?” I expect I elicit that question often. I encountered an abandoned rug on my way home from Friz tonight and decided I’d just as […]

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