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Category Archive for 'Garden'

This is the start of something big! Potential Playing around with soft-focus. It’s kind of cool, but it kind of sucks. Same flower, slightly better quality. Same flower, different angle, MUCH better quality. I’ll share my hot-pink peonies later. Also the irises, and the few presentable tulips I had this year. The weather has been […]

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Can you think of any good and logical reason why I should not plant miscellaneous pumpkins and fancy squash in my front yard? The foliage is pretty, the flowers are dramatic, and squash are cool. Plus, they’re like the ultimate groundcover. Just a couple of plants will take care of most of that pesky area […]

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I mowed the yard for August today. I have this thing, about mowing. I don’t hate it, in fact I think it is kind of fun, if smelly and itchy and sweaty. I just don’t feel that it is that terribly necessary. I have a fine disdain for grass, in general, considering it pointless and […]

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“F” is for “flowers.” Another installment in the Alphabytes series. Pretty pictures today because my brains are taking the weekend off and I have had nice things bloom in my yard in the last couple of months. These photos aren’t terribly chronological, and as of this writing, everything is done blooming except for the daylilies […]

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