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Category Archive for 'Hair issues'

Oh look, a thingy!

Haha, it’s the Winter Solstice and true to form, I am desperately sick of my hairdo. To be fair, I decided about a year ago, when I was first pregnant, to just go ahead and let it grow out as much as it could while I was all aflush with hormones and prenatal vitamins. And […]

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Well, hell. I’m getting that mid-winter hairdo restlessness once again. Right now, my hair is just about jaw length. Basically, it is like this, but with bangs, and brown instead of red. This is an old picture, but I can’t be bothered to take a new one, so imagination will have to suffice. I am […]

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I apparently also have a shitty-pop-cultural situation, because I don’t watch the Jersey shore, except for the clips that find their way on to Beavis & Butthead (which, by the way, the new Beavis & Butthead rules, it rules!!) But anyway, I thought the boy whose hair sticks all up was The Situation, but a […]

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Talking Pants

I read Mimi Smartypants’s latest entry the other day and got to thinking about the ridiculous text on things. The one that came to mind immediately was from a pair of pants I no longer own – the brand name was “Dream Big,” and a little piece of embroidered ribbon proclaimed such on one of […]

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Bedhead *is* a fashion statement!

Joel cut my hair for me recently. I’d gotten into the old ponytail rut, and there’s not much less flattering than a ponytail on me. I’d long admired Ichii Sayaka’s haircut, especially from the Chokotto Love era of Pucchi Moni: For reference, she’s the girl with the short, choppy hairdo, mostly in the center of […]

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Any woodchucks poking their heads out here in KC today weren’t too likely to see any shadows…it was overcast and kind of grimy today. Winter in Kansas City, when it isn’t snowy, is not an aesthetic triumph. I’ve been hunkered down pretty deep lately…gone to ground so you might say. Here I am popping my […]

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People who have met me within the past 6-7 years would never believe that I used to have ass-length hair. I did. For many, many, many years. The photos above were taken in 2002, the day before I got all of my hair cut off. At the time this photo was taken, it wasn’t even […]

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My hair continues to be a source of humor and vexation to me. I gave myself an Epic Fail haircut last year at about this time. It was seriously about the worst I’ve ever looked. Since then, I’ve showed considerable, chastened restraint in keeping my hands off the scissors and the scissors away from my […]

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I really want to try this

You know…now that I’ve almost recovered from my last disastrous hair experiment, I want to try having a perm. I know, I know…a perm? But I never had one back in the day, because back in the day I was ridiculously vain about my godawful ass-length hair and was afraid that a perm would wreck […]

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Because I skipped a few too many days of posting and now I have all sorts of random everything to get down. So. 1. I stayed home sick from work on Friday. I got this weird cold from Joel that seemed to go in reverse, starting with a nasty cough and winding up with stifling […]

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