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Category Archive for 'meta'


I didn’t want to spam my own post with responses to everyone so I’m just going to say it here, instead. Thank you to everyone who has commented or e-mailed me, or sent a private message.  All of these well-wishes have completely knocked me out.   Thank you for the kindness and for just being awesome.

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I got my first camera when I was 8 years old (“8 and a half, going on 9”), as a Christmas present. I’d spotted a children’s Kodak in the Sears Wish Book some months earlier, and decided that the little brightly-colored, kid-friendly snapshot camera was my heart’s desire. It was really the only thing I […]

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The genesis of my Internet persona

When I got my first e-mail account and started poking around online in March of 1996, I went by “Fahrvergnugen” wherever I went. It was the buzzword from a Volkswagen advertising campaign (One which was already defunct by that time, I think) but it suited my purposes at the time. I hoped that it would […]

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I will admit that I am a regular viewer of my own website’s statistics, ESPECIALLY the search engine terms. Most of them are either pervalicious or statistically improbably. In the past week, for instance, we have “cat kicking head,” “i like swirly in toilet sensual” and “why is the left sie (sic) of my head […]

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Sorry Blog Posting Month!

I’m going out of town for the weekend to attend my sister’s wedding.  Post-a-day ain’t happening this weekend. There will likely be a big writeup when I get back, however. Probably going to have a few disruptions this coming week, too.  I have to go to a conference, and don’t know if I will have […]

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Circa 1998-2000-ish, I was a regular reader and poster to the Hissyfit message board (Hi, I used to be Fahrvergnugen), an online bulletin board devoted principally to snark and petty bitchery. Oh, sure, there was intelligent conversation, fun and funny stuff, and good advice, but at its core, it was a deeply disgruntled social norm […]

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Somebody hit my journal off the search term “removing grasshopper from inside the home.” I wonder if this person had an indoor grasshopper infestation, or was squeamish and was looking for a way to get a ‘hopper out without touching it.   Unfortunately, unless this person delurks, I will probably never know.  Fie! I’ve been working […]

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In the grand spirit of Magritte and all the other surrealists out there, this is not an entry. Whooo, meta, meta, meta, meta!

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Welcome to my LiveJournal. Shit, that’s a phrase I never thought I would ever write. Anyway, I’m starting this ‘cause a number of my friends, both local and online have LJs and several have gone to “friends only,” so in order to read the words of some amazing and witty folks, I need to make […]

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D’uh, I really suck at regular updates. I could use the lame excuse that I am busy, but everyone is busy, so nyah. My dad was in town this past weekend, and we had a very nice visit. I’d have liked to take him out sightseeing a bit–we had kicked around the idea of going […]

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