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Category Archive for 'Shopping'

Secondhand fashion passion

You’ve seen the movie Clueless, haven’t you? If you haven’t, I think you ought to. It’s become something of a generation-definer for some of us, it’s awfully funny, and if you’re an English Lit nerd, you can pick out the basic storyline of Jane Austin’s “Emma” as depicted by airheads. Anyhow, at the beginning of […]

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Tax refund!

Like a boring, sensible person, I put my entire federal refund check into savings (I still haven’t got that mythical $600 from old Geo. W.) My state refund was not terribly large, so I decided to treat that as mad money. So I bought some prints from Jane George’s Etsy shop. I like the way […]

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This picture, from Jeff Perry, is ample evidence that it wouldn’t kill me to wear some dang clothes that were something akin to my actual size. If I wanted to look lumpy, dumpy, frumpy, and generally awful, I would continue to dress this way in public. Despite all photographic evidence to the contrary (and there’s […]

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Yesterday, I could not stop sneezing for anything.  My nose was awfully runny, too, but it basically felt like an allergy thing.  I took some benadryl on top of my normal Allegra, but it didn’t really help – I just got sleepy and really dippy.  I didn’t feel that bad, though, so I didn’t think […]

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Gettin' some new frillies!

I’ve been toting around a gift certificate to my favorite lingerie shop, Birdie’s since Christmastime.  I’m really bad about gift certificates, because I’m definitely a fair-weather shopper, so certificates I receive in December probably won’t be redeemed until at least March.  As the latter part of this week and the whole of the weekend are […]

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I had no big hairy plans today, honestly. Maybe go for a bike ride and take some pictures, weather permitting, probably sit around in front of the fireplace reading and occasionally shoving a cat’s butt off my book. I didn’t expect to actually get anything accomplished. It all started out with me waking up early. […]

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I never did track anyone down to re-cover that banana seat for me, but I investigated the seat pretty thorougly and came to the conclusion that it’s probably not that terribly difficult to re-cover, so I sourced the glittery vinyl and am planning to have a go at it this coming week. Sy Fabrics, a […]

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I know it’s a bit hypocritical of me to follow up a rant about how much fashion sucks with a shopping post, but the fact of the matter is, a few weeks ago, I placed an order at mytights.com (I recommend them highly) for a couple of pair of merino tights.  I’d been shopping around, […]

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A minor miracle in footwear:

I have finally found the perfect pair of girl-shoes. Yeah, they aren’t especially cute or sexy, but they FIT and they look nice with a pretty broad range of my clothes. I think I am going to spring for the black pair, too. Seriously…this is the first 8W I have ever found that is actually […]

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Is not usually a rationalization for buying a bottle of perfume. The pull of nostalgia took me over today when I was at the drugstore picking up a prescription. My sis and I had been talking about Jovan Musk a while back, a perfume which was our Aunt Debbie’s signature scent for many years, and […]

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