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Category Archive for 'Utter Silliness'

When we were out walking today, we stopped at our shitty neighborhood park, and for once there were some other kids there playing. They were a bit older than Joseph – two little boys and a girl, aged somewhere in the four to six range. They were trying to play Tee Ball, but were mostly […]

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If I parked the car any nearer to the garage, it would have to be parked inside the garage. I actually back in with the window rolled down and my head out to make sure of my distance. The big deal and my self-imposed parking challenge is that I have to do this all in […]

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I bought one of those little “idyllic townscape” rugs for my son’s bedroom, so that he can roll his toy cars around the streets, build on LEGO destinations, etc. When it arrived, I was quite pleased with its general idyllic-townness. For example, here’s a grocery store next to a stream and look at all of […]

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Complete with bat, of course. Here is my new sewing room. Is it not glorious? Let us revel in the glory. Rev-rev-rev-rev-revel. Aaaah! It is also where my computer and excessive collection of shitty romance novels live. For if-and-when I re-acquire the free time to re-start my shitty romance novel review blog. Right now, I […]

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>This is Joel’s line whenever he does something deliberately to annoy me. That masculine impulse to pester and tease apparently never goes away. From age 10, when they wipe a handful of rubber cement across your arm and pretend it’s snot, to when you’re 36 and they sneak up on you while you’re cooking and […]

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OMFG, there’s this guy on Tumblr who does comics about his D&D adventures and he is one funny, twisted, deranged man. This series, which ends on a fucking glorious pun, had me cackling out loud. Like hopeless, leaning against a wall, whooping, wheezing, losing-every-bit-of-my-shit laughing out loud. I don’t think you even have to be […]

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Joel either read my blog or my mind, and came home last night with quite a nice fake tree, so we’re now ready to get Festive. I draped it in lights today, then failed to find the extension cord, so right now, the tree project is stalled out slightly. I’m actually going to re-arrange things […]

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Oh, so many years ago, before I moved to Kansas City, I made a road-trip here with some college friends to visit a couple of other college friends who were already living here. On the trip back home, we pulled off the Interstate somewhere in the back of beyond in central Nebraska to re-fuel the […]

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I climbed up to the shelf above the closet in my sewing room today to get some crap down from “the archives” (or rather the boxes of accumulated crap that represents the criminal evidence of my youth). I needed my old cassette tape collection for reasons. Okay, by reasons, I mean that I felt like […]

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I got invited to attend a maternity yoga class coming up next week, but I’m afraid I’m still too much of a doofus for yoga. I gave it the ” Facebook Maybe” which is introvert for, “uh, no thanks, but I am too awkward to actually come out and say ‘I won’t be attending.’” Yoga […]

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