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Category Archive for 'Utter Silliness'

Flat-Fold Cargo Area

My first experience with the practical potentials of the import hatchback came sometime in the mid-1980s, when a friend’s mom bought a nearlyh-new Honda Civic, not unlike the one my mother-in-law owns: the famous DX, a photo by Meetzorp on Flickr. Only Mike’s mom’s car was the blueish-silver color that all the Civics that weren’t […]

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Comes away with: In order to re-charge the Baby, make sure that the charging equipment is plugged in firmly. Failure to ensure a proper junction between charging equipment and docking station can lead to insufficient charging and damage to charging equipment.

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Honest. But I wasn’t feeling real good for a couple of days, then I got distracted this afternoon. You see, I was perusing Bangshift, as you do, and came across this article about a nut who put an old aircraft engine into an old Toyota MR2 and raced it in the 24 Hours of LeMons. […]

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Because I like Top Gear and because I have a lingering fondness for drastically odd cars, I find myself browsing around in some of the more British sections of the motoring Interweb and today came across one of the most fascinating reviews of obscure, British three-wheeled cars. Now of course, even we Yanks know about […]

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“I wish the diapers came with poop already on them..” Said no parent, EVER. So, of course, I had to make one! Apologies for the doody sloping downhill – I should have pinned it rather than free-hand stitched it in place. Then again, how anal do you really want to get about something that’s only […]

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This dress. I own it. I have worn it in public. I found it in an enormous trash heap under a bridge in the West Bottoms. I think that pretty much says it all. Oh, not quite. Actually, I have another, worse dress, but in order to spin out this Holidailies thing, you have to […]

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Hadn’t realized what was printed on the bag until after I’d finished cleaning the cat-boxes…

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Alternatively, it seems Antonia of “Yet Another Blooming Blog” wrote up a useful how-to. Sort of. Given the right mood and equipment, this can be remarkably effective: As you can see, it results in complete gratification for at least one participant.

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I’ve been just rotten with the follow-through on this blog. Seriously. Couple of days ago I promised to rant about meditation, and there was something else I planned to write about and forgot to. Anyway, since I’ve got a lot of writing ahead of me, and my ideas have been a little thin on the […]

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See that big cardboard barrel on the left-hand side of the photo? It’s about the size of a 50 gallon drum. It is packed solid, level-filled with plastic shopping bags – or was when this photo was taken. Mrs. Crenshaw apparently never willingly allowed a grocery bag to leave her residence. It’s now emptied by […]

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