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Category Archive for 'videos'

Two great tastes that go great together, right? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQvi0mjknKQ] Even better, this is DIY. This person made this out of some old computer guts and a couple of little mirrors from a hobby shop. Super cool! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kx9hr_5YRq4] Here’s another, with a how-to-make video. Pretty freakin’ nifty, wouldn’t you say? I’m inspired; something like this would […]

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The following two videos are among the reasons I love the Internet. Also, this is some bouncy music, make no mistake about it. I’m discoing all over the place over here. 1979 Eurvision contenders Dschinghis Khan from Germany bring it all the way! I don’t think there is any way to improve upon this presentation. […]

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[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skfnxkixBp4] Oh man…Red Green! I forgot how much I liked this show.

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I really think everyone ought to get the chance to see the entire 2001 Morning Musume Christmas special. It’s so delightfully random, and I bet everyone who reads this blog is familiar with at least one small part of it: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZegZSBvXXEk] Often incorrectly identified as “Japanese Fear Factor” or as a Japanese game show, it […]

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Creeeepy jewelry box!

A videoblog session for your pleasure. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY__kf_N2NE] This video is just a little bit of background about where the jewelry box came from and why I decided to film it today. Please forgive the dreadful video quality. I uploaded it to Flickr as nice as could be, but couldn’t crosspost it from Flickr to here, […]

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So, so!  Now, we’re in Kentucky, and a very good Kentucky it is, so far.  Paducah’s got about the cutest old downtown I’ve seen in ages all fancy brickwork and colorful painted trim.  The shops look a little twee, and it becomes a lovely ghosttown after 5:00 p.m., but during the day, it’s awfully charming.  […]

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Some Muppet Video Insanity

Because it seems like some silliness would be well in order: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdIGDOgr4Ps] trudge, trudge [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyJtEq7DNH0] The mating ritual you’ll never forget – the Koozebanian Gallioo hoop-hoop

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Oh my god…my love of dumb movies is deep and abiding. I’m actually way picky about dumb movies, but I love ’em anyway. It can’t be ALL gross-out humor, and it can’t be heavy on humiliation/social-awkwardness/cringe. Steve Carell…sorry buddy, but your movies make me wince. Giddy teenybopper flicks like Clueless & Mean Girls, mockumentaries like […]

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One of the reasons I have the blog is so that I can share cool stuff I find with people who read here. I’ve had this video bookmarked as a favorite for ages and keep forgetting to share it, so here it is…a mystery box of memories: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TArfrz6pIgU] I find it quite surreal and beautiful. […]

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Operatic Orange

A classic, classical Sesame Street bit: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG-0_p_yefg]

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