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Category Archive for 'Weird as Hell'

Comes away with: In order to re-charge the Baby, make sure that the charging equipment is plugged in firmly. Failure to ensure a proper junction between charging equipment and docking station can lead to insufficient charging and damage to charging equipment.

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Ahem. One day you may be very hungry, awash with strange hormones, and absentmindedly considering what in the cupboard you could eat at the moment. In that moment, do not get any blinding brain flashes which lead you to concoct a beetroot smoothie. It will not be nice. It will not be good. You will […]

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Honest. But I wasn’t feeling real good for a couple of days, then I got distracted this afternoon. You see, I was perusing Bangshift, as you do, and came across this article about a nut who put an old aircraft engine into an old Toyota MR2 and raced it in the 24 Hours of LeMons. […]

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Because I like Top Gear and because I have a lingering fondness for drastically odd cars, I find myself browsing around in some of the more British sections of the motoring Interweb and today came across one of the most fascinating reviews of obscure, British three-wheeled cars. Now of course, even we Yanks know about […]

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So. That happened. Though it may surprise a few of my friends, this was completely intentional. I’d been ambivalent about having kids for a very long time (obviously, as I’m 35 and pregnant for the first time) but now that it’s happened, I’m actually really excited. Like no second thoughts, no “oh-shit-what-have-I-done.” I’m just totally […]

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Here is the other horrible dress I rescued out of a trash heap. It is in such great condition and it is such an excellent example of the fashion of a very specific point in time (very early 1980s) that I had to keep it. It may be ass ugly. It may be a color […]

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Yes, yes, I have fallen down on my Holidailies duties. I’ve got my first heavy-duty cold in about two years and have taken to a hot bath and been coughing up my lungs since last you heard from me. In fact I am coughing myself stupid as I type, but besides from my rebellious lungs, […]

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