Once upon a time, I owned the most awesome, perfect, kick-assedy boots that ever kicked ass. They were fuckin’ rad, and I wore the everloving crap out of them. My classmates at school thought they were awful, and I took a lot of guff for my big stompy boots (oddly, during an era when it was fashionable to wear Dr. Martens with diaphanous babydoll dresses). These boots were a standing fashion statement with me, so much so that I immortalized them in my Senior portrait (see above).
I still own them, worn out, ancient, and debased as they may be, as I have yet to find another pair of boots that holds a candle to them. The heels are nearly worn through, and the steel shanks that once supported the arches fell out years ago. I rarely wear them except for once in a great while, when an outfit really, truly, madly needs a hot injection of BADASS.
I am wearing them tomorrow.
But the time has come…it has come and gone…for a pair of replacement boots to come into my life.
Initially, I thought that these Thoroughgood boots were the answer to my question. For lo, they are tall, badassy, Made In America, and awfully stylish.
Unfortunately, they have discontinued my size. Woe!
I could go with a classic, and get the ol’ trusty Dr. Martens.
I already know they’ll fit. They’re durable. They’re a classic style. They’re pretty cool. The price isn’t bad, all things considered. Dr. Marten’s boots are good value for the money. Also, there is a song about them:
Recently, I tried to order a pair, but they were out of all of the sizes except for 5, which is too small. I have e-mailed Dr. Marten’s and they say they’ll be re-stocking, so there is something in that.
But while I was being denied by Dr. Marten, I cast about on Shoebuy a bit, and came across these, which are highly, insanely, madly covetable.
Also highly, insanely, madly expensive. They appear to be re-soleable and re-heelable. I intend to contact Frye and find out. If they are, considering my track record (I’ve been nursing along my old badass boots since 1993) these could actually be a good investment. If I took care of them, got them re-soled or heeled as needed, that $400 could be amortized over another…15+ years: that wouldn’t be too bad at all, really.
Obvs., if I were to buy the Fryes, I’d have to save up for a while, so I’d have to decide if they really are $400 worth of awesome. Hrmmmm, what to do, what to do?