Feed on

While some people were starting out on RAGBRAI, some others were riding their bikes to Roanoke Park in Kansas City and sharing a picnic supper. From the feedback I’ve gotten from various attendees, I think it’s safe to employ the old small-town-newspaper wrap-up phrase, “a good time was had by all.”

It was family friendly, with kids ranging between 11 years old down to 2 months old and pet friendly, too with a couple of fun and personable dogs adding to the entertainment. We had easily double the participation of the last time, and I think we need to do this more often! To that end, I’m planning another one for Labor Day. More details as it gets closer to September.

In the meantime, here are a few photographic highlights, plus you can go to my Flickr set and to Sarah’s. Enjoy!

Digging in!

Picnickers picnicking.


The banana-pudding, pre-spillage.
Banana pudding: it didn’t look this nice once we got there. It got awfully mixed up and some of it leaked out of the pan.

Sylvia and the delicious fingers
Best picture I’ve ever taken of another human being. Little Sylvia is just about the cutest little rascal. By and large she took to picnicking with admirable equanimity.

Abbie earnestly applying the pacifier.
She gets by with a little help from a friend: 5-year-old Abbie supplies a much-wanted pacifier.

It's not a party until Joel's riding a kid's bike.
Joel’s up to his usual shenanigans. 6’5″ guy on a 20″ bike is always comedy gold.

Sadly this picture is blurry as all hell, but it captures what was likely the highlight of Brian’s day…free-rein pyromania.

The happy parents.

Adorable Dorrie.

3 Responses to “Pedal Powered Potluck Recap”

  1. Maggi says:

    Yay! It looks like a great time. You’ve inspired me, I think I need to try something similar around here.

  2. Julie Stark says:

    I think these are the first pictures I’ve seen of Joel when he’s not flipping off the camera!

  3. meetzorp says:

    Maggi – you totally should! It’s a lot of fun and not really that difficult to arrange.

    Julie – it happens sometimes, just not very often.

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