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I finished another top today – another v-neck knit from the New Look 6149 pattern:
I discovered I had a choker that went really well with the fabric, so I put it on the dummy as well.
I'm a little nuts about matching patterns
I went a little nuts with matching up the pattern along the seamlines and consequently you can hardly tell where the seam is on the outsides of the sleeves. That’s actually pretty nice because this pattern is kind of odd – the sleeves get their shape and fit from that seam, but it’s annoying because it is very visible and can look weird with a directionally-patterned fabric. With this particular fabric it worked out well, but I would not want to use this pattern on a striped fabric.

Here’s the something different: I rarely take pictures of myself because I’m not very photogenic and also a bit camera-shy, but I was so pleased with how my new top and skirt combined into an outfit that I dressed up and did a little posing. Most of them are very stiff and not that great, but at least the clothes look good!
new clothesI know this is a sucky picturenew clothes

This one is the one that came out the best, though, despite my glowing-red eyes.
me & my big boots
I started getting silly so it’s not quite as stiff and unnatural as the others.

I am so looking forward to the end of the “holiday season” when everyone gets back to work. Maybe the people who do the hiring will be back from vacation and somebody will see one of my zillion applications, resume submissions, and cover letters and decide that they need to hire me. I’m getting more than a little stir crazy and I really hate dipping into my savings to maintain the old house, student loan, and other miscellaneous expenses. Besides all that, if I am unemployed for much longer, I will have used up all of my fabric stash, organized everything I own, and walked the dog to a state of nervous exhaustion, and then what will I do with myself?

9 Responses to “Something a little different”

  1. Wendy says:

    Gorgeous work! I love the two pieces together. They totally work with the Docs.

  2. Julie Stark says:

    You look so cute! You should definitely send that last picture to all the places you applied to – how could they not hire such a happy person?

  3. Elaina says:

    Oh how cute and what a superb match job on the seams!

    I love the outfit and you look so cute in it, and the trim on the top was awesome. It took me to the closeup to figure out what the treatment was.


  4. Gayle says:

    You look fabulous! That’s a great shirt/skirt combo.

  5. SewDucky says:

    LOL here I am again. I love your site, and I have posted an award on my blog for you.

  6. meetzorp says:

    How sweet!

    I don’t usually do those sort of tag-your-friends things, but look for some link-love in one of my upcoming posts.

  7. meetzorp says:

    Thanks! I think this skirt is going to be a particularly versatile piece.

  8. meetzorp says:

    Thanks! I’m kind of a fanatic about matching up patterns along seamlines. Sometimes I think it takes me about as long to cut out a garment as it does to sew it up.

  9. meetzorp says:

    Heh. I don’t know about that, but thank you for the compliment!

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