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Now for the big question: petticoat or no petticoat?

Minnie Pearl Dress Minnie Pearl Dress

Minnie Pearl Dress Minnie Pearl Dress
(feel free to click any of the above pictures for a bigger view)

So feel free to weigh in:

5 Responses to “Minnie Pearl Dress complete!”

  1. kismet says:

    That’s awesome, and: big fluffy white crinoline petticoat, of course.

  2. Lisa says:

    Also, to decide properly we need photographs with and without petticoat.

  3. Lisa says:

    Oh! Sorry, now I have clicked through. With, definitely with. You have to exploit the concept fully.

  4. Meetzorp says:

    Thanks! I was a little mystified by your first comment!

    I’m leaning toward petticoat right now…it remains to see if it is too cumbersome on my bike, though.

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  5. HielanLass says:

    Pro-petticoat. And How-DEEEE!
    Oh, and the Whizzo Butter thing? Try that around here, young lady… 😉


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