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I recently finished making a new blouse, and it turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself. I decided today that I was going to take a picture of it on myself, since my modern dressmaker’s dummy is broken and it looked lousy on the circa 1914 one.

So, I set up my good camera on the tripod and was goofing around with trying to pose in such a way as to look halfway decent, show off the shirt and not act too twee, when Griswald wandered into the room, caught sight of the dangling camera strap, grabbed it, pulled the tripod over, and my camera smacked into the floor nose first. As you can see, it bent the lens housing. Canon service estimates it’s going to be about $150 to repair.

My favorite camera is broken My favorite camera is broken

I think it shows admirable restraint that I have not tied that goddamn cat in a knot.

I’m planning to get my camera in the mail off to Canon this afternoon. Hopefully I will have it back before we go to the North American Handmade Bicycle show. What shitty timing! The last time I had a camera break on me was just before Ragbrai. I’m crossing my fingers for a quick turnaround time on this repair.

Damn cat!

In the meantime, here are a couple of detail shots I took of the blouse when I finished it.

Detail shots of my new, excessively girly blouse

Detail shots of my new, excessively girly blouse

Detail shots of my new, excessively girly blouse.

10 Responses to “The price of Vanity is about $150.”

  1. Arran says:

    That’s lovely. The green in the ricrac and buttons is so fresh.

  2. wipeout says:

    Very nice work! I agree with Arran; the green is excellent.

    I admit I would’ve had even stronger language for the cat. MUCH stronger. Were I to craft this entry, it might have just been several paragraphs of unintelligible frothy-mouthed cursing with a couple lovely blouse shots at the end.

  3. sewuptight says:

    Ooh, the blouse is adorable.

  4. David says:

    Damn, was that the G9??

  5. meetzorp says:

    Yes, it is. I’ve really been enjoying this camera, so I’m really looking forward to getting it back from repair.

    Damn cat!

  6. meetzorp says:

    Thank you! I’m pretty happy with how this blouse turned out. When I get my camera back from repair, I’ll upload the pictures of the blouse “in action” as it were.

    wipeout I’m a little concerned about my googleability while I’m on the job hunt, so I’ve been really trying to watch my language.

    Arran I was really in a “springtime” mood when I was making this. It’s only too bad that we’ve got at least a month and a half more winter to slog through!

  7. Bing says:

    You’re going to NAHMBS? My buddy Don is the founder/organizer of that whole shebang. He promised me a special bike, polished SS hand-carved lugs, etc. in time for the ’07 show, or was that the ’06? Only catch was that I had to go to the show to pick it up. Never happened. I don’t think it will now either. Anyway, have fun.

  8. meetzorp says:

    Yep, a whole bunch of us Kansas City folk are headed there. I’m hoping my camera will be repaired before then. 🙂

    Too bad you missed out on the opportunity for a custom bike…I’d be all over that like cheap wallpaper.

  9. runkeysrun says:

    Cameras cameras cameras.

    I swear I bust one every 3 years.

    anymore, I just buy one online for 80 bucks and calll it done.

    Save a cat, buy a cheap camera.

    Oh, and I just signed up for my 5th RAGBRAI.

    See ya there

  10. meetzorp says:

    Well, the camera that I had to repair is well worth the cost of repairing it. It’s my favorite so far and has served me very well. Plus it is only a year old, so replacing it when it was still repairable would have been foolish.

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