Feed on

I accepted “good enough” as being good enough after I repaired the damages from my last attempt at “better.”

Now it’s ready for the build.

Joel often tells me “‘better’ is ‘good’s’ worst enemy” when I’ve jacked something up via my perfectionist tinkering. Of course it’s only because I love him so that I haven’t punted his buttocks up to shoulderblade height, ’cause there’s nothing so infuriating as inopportune truth. It’s true, though. I’m not very good at leaving well enough alone, and consequently, I had to sand down aroundt his lug, re-spray both the base green and the shimmer coat, then re-paint the lug by hand because of some overzealous masking tape that had peeled a lot of the paint off from beneath the lug.

It’s not perfect, ’tis true, but it’s good enough. Anybody who gets all up underneath my seat to look at the underside of that lug has issues that are beyond my ken. The worst of the imperfections are liable to be hidden by the seat-clamp bolt and probably a brake cable housing anyway.

"Better"  is "good's" worst enemy.
If you were anything other than insane, would you give a rat’s ass about how this bit of your bike looked?


"Better"  is "good's" worst enemy.
This part is still pretty awesome.

"Better"  is "good's" worst enemy.
The “disco balls” don’t suck, either.

4 Responses to “"Better" is "good's" worst enemy.”

  1. wipeout says:

    OMG, your bike looks like a superhero. Nice work!

  2. Meetzorp says:

    Thank you! I am excited about how pretty it is. My favorite color is green, so it always made me a little stoked to look at my old green singlespeed…and so it will with my new one.

  3. SewDucky says:

    Hi, I nominated you for an award on my blog.

  4. Julie Stark says:

    You’ve done a beautiful job, and I loved your comment about punting buttocks. I hate being told the truth by my loved one too!

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