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New plaid jacket

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I actually made this jacket probably a month ago, but for some dumb reason forgot to take any pictures of it or post them here. Anyway, I made a new jacket out of some fabulous fabric that one of my mom’s friends gave me.

It’s a nice heavyweight woolen flannel, and I trimmed it with gros-grain ribbon. I used my old favorite Simplicity 4698. Sadly, Simplicity has discontinued this excellent pattern, so I am going to have to copy this in Tyvek for the longterm.

The skirt I have paired it with is part of my one amazing and freaky dumpster-diving haul. It’s Liz Claiborne Sport, a much lighter weight woolen flannel with a self-colored machine embroidered border around the hemline. Paired up, they create a look not unlike the separate-set suits popular during WWII. In fact, I have “Everyday Fashions of the 1940s as pictured in the Sears Catalogue” which shows several similar outfits.

I’m pretty happy with how this turned out (and how well it goes with that skirt).

4 Responses to “New plaid jacket”

  1. SewDucky says:

    Very nice, and a fantastic stripe match up job. I love it!

  2. meetzorp says:

    Thank you!

    I’m more than a little bit nutty about making sure my plaids and stripes match. It may take for ages for me to cut out a garment, but I’ll end up being able to wear it without driving myself crazy about a pattern that doesn’t line up.

  3. Audrey says:

    That jacket is soo cute!

  4. meetzorp says:

    Thanks! That’s some of the fabric Vi gave to Mom to give to me after they cleaned out the Quanset for Taya’s graduation party.

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