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A few years ago, I picked up a couple of yards of this crazy printed cotton jersey and made myself a dress:


There it is on the dressmaker’s dummy.

Quite possibly the first time in history anyone has ever said, "And my helmet went PERFECTLY with my dress!"
And here it is, on the dressmaker.

I was rummaging through my scrap bag the other day looking for a piece of red corduroy I needed when I came across the scraps from this dress and in looking at them, realised there was enough left over to make a onesie for Joseph. So, I did:


I made it about a size too big because it is very awesome fabric and I wanted him to get maximum wear out of it. I’m about tired to bits of him outgrowing a onesie just as soon as I have got the snaps fastened. So, here he is, basically rattling around inside of his new shirt:


That’s okay, though. I know he’ll totally grow into, and then out of it in pretty much no time at all.

We won’t tell him his onesie is made out of old dress fabric, okay?

4 Responses to “Vurt!”

  1. Mark says:

    I guess this is kind of a cycling post. Cycling is where I know you from….I’m the dude who gave you instructions (way back when) on how to take apart the one piece crank on your gas-pipe Schwinn.

    Here are my two latest threads on Bike Forums.



    I really wish we get some rain (in place of snow) around here soon. I’ll ride in the cold, but not when the roads are covered in salt the way they are now. Haven’t been on the bike in a month.

  2. Meetzorp says:

    Wow, thanks for identifying yourself. That’s very cool. I’d been wondering how in the heck you’d come across my blog.

    Well, I had a lot of fun with the old Schwinn after all. It’s sidelined at the moment because one of the seatstays started cracking away from the seat tube – I used that bicycle inappropriately for about three years as my grocery-getter and shit-hauler and it wasn’t designed for the stress of a laden rack weighing against those little welds. Joel has promised to re-weld it for me…someday. He’s not so awfully fond of my shit taste in bicycles, so I have a feeling it’ll be a lo-ong wait!

  3. Mark says:

    I still make the occasional post on Bike Forums and that’s when I remember to look at your blog.

    If I recall, the seat stays are not welded to the seat tube on those gas pipe frames, it’s silver solder.

  4. Meetzorp says:

    I believe you’re correct, and I believe that’s the manner in which Joel is someday going to mend it.

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